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Dec 30, 2022

Your Kia engine contains hundreds of parts, and these parts can wear out through age or damage. Engine problems develop over time as parts wear, and you’ll need repairs or replacements. If you have any problem with your Kia, your Kia dealership can fix it for you. These are a few samples of problems we can fix.

3 Engine Problems You Should Only Repair at Your Honda Dealership

Leaking Radiator

Your Kia’s radiator is essential for controlling your engine temperature. A car engine generates large amounts of heat due to combustion. This heat has to be removed to protect sensitive engine parts from damage. When your engine temperature reaches a pre-set point, liquid coolant is released into the engine. This coolant absorbs heat and takes it to the radiator.

The heat in the coolant is removed as it passes through the radiator tubes. If your radiator is damaged and leaking coolant, your car is in danger of overheating. A coolant leak is easy to spot, as coolant is brightly colored. Leaking coolant will increase the temperature in your engine, and the damaged radiator will make cooling even more difficult. Our technicians can replace your radiator if it’s damaged.

Fuel Evaporation

It can seem strange when you see that you have to fill up the gas tank when you haven’t driven very far. Your fuel tank is part of a sealed system, which is designed to prevent fuel from escaping into the air. You can test for a possible leak by placing a large piece of clean cardboard underneath your car at night. If the cardboard is clean in the morning, it’s unlikely that fuel is leaking from the tank.

 If there isn’t a leak, the most obvious cause is fuel evaporation. The primary cause of fuel evaporation is a damaged or worn fuel cap. The fuel cap should fit securely and provide an airtight seal. Over time and use, the fuel cap or its seals can get damaged. Fuel vapors will quickly flow out of your tank, and your fuel level will rapidly drop.

Electrical Problems

Your Kia has numerous electrical components, and they depend on a constant power supply from your car’s electrical system. The alternator generates the electrical power for your car, and it recharges your battery. This system depends on several miles of wires and cables to carry electricity to all the necessary parts.

The electrical system can develop problems, including a worn alternator, a damaged battery, or broken wiring.  A lack of power from the alternator, for example, could mean that your battery doesn’t recharge and dies. Our technicians are experts at electrical repairs, and we’ll trace and repair the problem.

If you’d like more information or want to arrange a repair, call us at Kelly Grimsley Kia.